09 June 2024

#2 Finding a Zuperb name

Summary: Finding a name, getting website for this project.


This endeavor/project/website needs a name.

People say naming is difficult. Very true, I felt, for this project. Read Part 1 to get an idea why. 

Life has infinitely many facets. A project that's about life should also have a name like 'life'. 

Fun exercise: try creating a word like 'life'.

The immediate reason why a name is required

I want to put these posts/logs in some place, a website. Showing it to you is one reason. Another is: these posts where I document all this is also part of my life. The system should have a place for that too. 

These are not just blogposts - these are records about the genesis of the system. It is like the history or story of the system.

Soon the system itself will know those stories. These posts will move into that system. For now we want a place to put these posts, get them when needed and share that with the you, the world. Websites are great for that.

We'll create a website. I want to have a name for that website.

Where do we start?

I have a few domains now:

  • jisuka.net
  • expressing.online
  • 83percent.in. 

Nothing much happening in them.

The last two are related to ideas that will manifest some time in some form in this project. 

First one was supposed to be my own personal website. It has some dummy content now. jisuka is my nickname: first 2 letters from my name, father's name, family name. The system we are building will soon have a home for the person Jithu also. So all of the above 3 can soon retire, maybe.

Thoughts about the name

For this project, I want a name that does not reflect the person 'Jithu'. Because, this will be a system that persons/people would want to use. This is not (just) about me. 

As a side-note: I invite you, the reader, to keep following this project/space. This project will have life as its top priority. This is a project of life, by life, for life. Damn, it's starting to sound hollow. 

Let the actions speak.

Qualities of a good name

There are many qualities a great name should have. 

  • catchy: google, swiggy
  • reflect the meaning/personality/theme of the thing it is pointing at: zomato 
  • it should be easy to remember, distinct, short, etc.: airbnb, uber, ola

Due to the nature of this project, it should also be able to go well with anything related to life - food, programming, nature, quotes, recipes, projects, journaling, etc.


I spent so many hours (spanning over many past months) trying to find the best, most suitable name. And I failed.

Hmm, a part of me is so eager to establish that I know 'failed' that is just one way of looking at it. Anyway, I did learn one lesson very well - imperfection is inevitable. One must learn to live with it. 

Let's not get sucked into unnecessary details and history.


Today I thought, let's settle with some name that is decent, okay. And rename later if we find a perfect name, we'll keep a tab open for that.

Some names I found today:

  • superness.in
  • topflow.in
  • zuperb.in

.com were taken/expensive. 

.in is fine for now.


Zuperb is a superb name, you have to agree ;)

  • sounds positive
  • appears energetic
  • feels inspiring
  • people can connect regardless of their age, language, culture
  • is short
  • etc.

I'm going ahead with that name.

My wife commented that the use of 'z' is like in 'freakzz', etc. :P
But she liked it.


Bought zuperb.in!

From Godaddy. Spent a couple of thousand rupees for a couple of years.

Try visiting Zuperb!

I've setup a redirection to this blog for now. 


It's getting late for bed, Sunday night. Signing off for now.

Thanks for visiting! 😇

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